It’s been said that a good Bee’s Knees can convert a non-gin drinker to gin. This is a gateway cocktail to a long love affair with all the aromas and tasting notes of gins.
Our Chilli Bee’s Knees is the ulitmate cocktail for anyone who loves honey and the kick of chilli. Paired with our Rhubarb gin this is a buzzy cocktail.
We really love Wilderbee Honey for this cocktail, their original flavour is the perfect amount of heat for this cocktail

50ml Penrhos Rhubarb Gin
50ml Orange juice (fresh is best) freeze any leftovers for future garnishes
25ml Hot Honey Syrup (50:50 Mix of spicy honey and hot water)
Add all ingredients into your shaker, shake with ice and strain into your cocktail glass. Garnish with a small chilli or chilli flakes.
To make hot honey syrup: If you can’t find hot honey, chop up one chilli and infuse with the honey syrup. Leave to cool before creating the cocktail.